Saturday, February 24, 2007

My hair loss reality

This is the amount of hair i lose every morning and every night when i comb my hair. The hair loss is startingto get disturbing. My thick hair has turned into thin hair. think i might be getting a really short haircut for the first time ever in my life if this does not stop. On the flip side i am having sympathy for men with comb overs since i might have to do that soon!!

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monica said...

have you had your thyroid checked?? just wondering. also, drinking lots of milk is supposed to be good for your hair.
sorry, i have been through it too, but i had post pregnancy hormones to blame it on.

Unknown said...

My stylist said to consider your fat intake. Healthy fat intake can effect hair growth. But she also said that hormones can cause these things too.

As your Director of Community Care, I highly recommend a check-up--full blood work and everything. According to the new WMF health guidelines, you'll be needing to get a check-up every 2 years anyway. When was your last one?

Oh your beautiful hair!