Monday, October 08, 2007

Good end to a hard day

okay, i am done changing my know is like a quarterly cycle for me. there is not much in my life i can change on a regular basis so the blog must change. i used to change my hair color every 6 months but i do not have the money or energy for that...the gray hair is winning and i think the blog is a safer place for change in the end.

i have sad news...i lost my passport. this is humiliating all by itself. in fact my feelings of humility kept me patience and very contrite at all the government offices i had to go too last thursday to get my passport replaced. sadly, today i learned that not only is my passport lost but there is no way in God's green earth that i will be able to make to our regional staff retreat...there are absolutely no tickets...not even first class until october 29th. i am sad. so this means at least three more weeks in kolkata and about 10 days on my own--trying to figure out something to do with myself since sari bari will be closed and everyone, and i do mean everyone will be gone in nepal or england or australia.

i know there must be a silver lining somewhere in this...i think i better do a what i am thankful for list to help me remember the good things...

i love sari bari, i love the ladies at sari bari, i love cold diet pepsi, i love the chili beth made for dinner tonight that tasted like home, i love taking pictures, i love skype and facebook and blogs in general, i love people who get excited about God heart for transformation, i love the rain that cools down kolkata, i love that someday soon i will get to go to nepal and have a personal retreat, i love that all things work out in the end (somehow), i love that being thankful is a good end to a hard day.


angela said...

this is super sad! sorry for the disappointment...did you lose lose it--like left in a cab-or is it just unlocate-able? i love these last several posts. beautiful pictures! and the new banner is pretty spectac. ; )

perhaps you could do something special (ie the sheraton?) in lieu of nepal?

Courtney Patch said...

I'm so sad to hear this as well. I know it is disappointing, but God works in mysterious ways; must have known you needed this. And still have Nepal to look forward too. I had a personl retreat there, and it was one of the best I ever had. Will pray its all straightened out quickly. And love the new look of the blog; it looks like Christmas:)