Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thoughts on my favorite Mr. Anderson

I have voted for Brent Anderson for President in more than one presidential election over the past 10 years that I have known Him. He really may be the only truly qualified person for the job. He is a thoughtful, compassionate servant, a heroic man of strength and integrity. He would not lead as others have led but I am confident he would lead better, with more integrity, more creativity and more dry humor than most.

His blog may be my favorite reading of all must go there to understand! He is a story teller, an economist, a theologian, an understated comic, and truly a profound thought leader!

The highlight reel...

Breakfast food at the Leavenworth Cafe
First to arrive, first to leave
Staff Retreat 2002
Driving to Waffle house after a Kentucky blizzard in Ben Oldhams old truck
Breakfast at Waffle house in Kentucky
Andrea Bocelli
The smell of tide
Best hugs in the Omaha office
Being Brent's thrift store stylist
Hello! (when brent answers the phone)
Patient, gracious kindness when I am late doing something again.
Good Debriefer
Being able to call Brent a friend

Brent is leaving Word Made Flesh but will remain at its heart. He taught us the meaning of serving with love. I feel like my right thumb is being cut off and I am wondering how will I use my right hand...opposable digits are essential. You will be dearly missed my friend.



great post and we totally agree. we also love reading his blog more than anyone else. we are always sure to end the night with a laugh when we do.

feel better (per facebook status)

Brent Anderson said...

Wow!!! I am blown away by this really kind blog. I have wonderful memories as well...whether it be in India, Greece, the US, Sri Lanka, etc.

I am overcome by some sadness but mostly gratefulness. Thank you.
