Sunday, March 25, 2007

10 things i thought about in the last week

10. can trade be fair? is company responsible only for the person who works for them or for their whole family? is it possible for their to be justice in consumerism?

9. how would miranda sorbet soda taste as a float, ya know if we added ice cream?

8. every day i think about Deepa and Asha and ask God help us, help them out of the sex trade and onto the road to freedom

7. this quote from a devotion: ""nine-tenths of our suffering is caused by others not thinking so much of us as we think they ought" Mary Lyon

6. my brother...i want him to be happy!

5. my sister and grace

4. whether or not we would get tickets to see the namesake...this ended up being really funny because i ended up really worrying out loud about this...and end up cracking up with kristin. dang i wish i could kill worry in my heart. no we did not get tickets :)

3. why don't i lose weight when i fast? this is not a reason to fast i know but still i wonder....

2. when will i cut my hair, how should i cut my hair? when will my hair stop falling out?

1. can i really be this happy? can sari bari really be this good? HOPE is definitely the answer( jesus is the only only hope)...and then more thoughts about thought number 10 and how can we really make sari bari "fair" and "redemptive" in everyway for everyone who works and purchases....


the kitchen gnomes said...

thanks for letting us in on your inner life. very interesting. all of it. love ya. ange

the kitchen gnomes said...

oops, that was me, not my mom. i'm signed in at my parent's house. ; )