Thursday, February 05, 2009

Moving forward in Hope

We celebrated the lives of 8 women today who completed training. Six months of learning, transitioning, yearning, letting go of the old has brought these beautiful women to today's celebration. Today we marked, as we love to do, freedom and new life in the lives of these women who are now apart of our family. It was a beautiful day. A beautiful moment to mark the place where something powerful has happened. A journey which began six months ago will now have the opportunity to go deeper, to continue the conversion from hopelessness to HOPE, from self loathing to dignity, from shame to confidence. We hope that these 8 ladies, now as full time employees and sisters at sari bari, will be covered in grace as they continue on the journey of exodus to find holistic freedom. If you pray, pray for mercy, pray for their protection, pray for their hearts to be filled with confidence and their faces to be full of the dignity that is their as children of God.

In marking the celebration, this week has also been a marker of the losses. When i left for the states in mid October, we had 35 ladies working or in training;16 full time ladies and 19 ladies in training. Over the last months, due to sickness, addiction and other factors that we are still trying to understand, many have returned to the trade with only 12 of the original 19 trainees still moving forward toward freedom. As of today we have 24 full time ladies and 4 more still in training (these 4 have only one more month before we celebrate their move into full time employment at sari bari). Pray for those who have returned and pray for the new ladies that we will invite into our family in march when we begin another training.

And in all this these things, we still move forward with Hope, trusting that Hope will not disappoint us.

1 comment:

Mark Petersen said...

Sarah, I love your blog, your honesty, your passion. My prayers are with you today.