Thursday, May 18, 2006

life so far as it goes...

full days and sweaty sleep!! Sounds fun doesn't it. today i spent a good part of the day cleaning the kitchen in our new house. it is nasty pigeon poopy work and i actually kind of enjoyed seeing the progress we made friend maya came over with her kids and kristin picked us all up lunch and we shared yummy meal of chowmein and mongolian chicken and then maya helped me clean the kitchen. I have to say that GOOD COMPANY makes everything better.

Sari Bari is going really well and i am loving and in love with the ladies. it is a beautiful thing to see them continue to restored and renewed daily as their old life is farther and farther behind them. When i was at the conference in April i really saw a need for some counseling and maybe some type of group therapy....the wounds in these ladies hearts are deep and profound...i guess that is everyone's story...we all have deep and profound wounds. I think that as much as it is in my control i want to be to provide wholistic freedom for these woman...not only a safe place to work and meet jesus but a place where they can have counseling and deep inner healing when they are ready to take that step. we will be looking into maybe hiring some counselors or psycholgists here in india to do some training and group therapy so please keep that in your prayers and for how we might better be able to bring even better support to these women as they need it.

i think i said before that it has been a rough adjustment coming back to kolkata. it has and is but things are getting a little better and being in community with all the amazing people here is sure helping.

i have nothing really profound to say except it good to know that Jesus with me here and loves me here and makes all these new things out of the crap that often times is kolkata.

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