Thursday, October 06, 2005

First Journal Entry 10/8/05

strange to be here again...sitting with Jesus on the verge of tears in calcutta. praying thankfulness for love...his love. wanting,hoping to see the word made flesh...wanting to proclaim the way of jesus as john the baptist. want to annouce in a loud voice satan you have no power here and the lord is here and his light will not be overcome by your darkness. promising myself hope with these words. hoping jesus will prepare a way in my heart as he prepares the way...the way in calcutta. i dragged myself in to this time this morning...afraid of what might be here or not be here...already on my first day fearing that Jesus might not be enough, he might not meet me, be with me, love and light me. but he is near, so near telling me of love and life... john 1...follow me he here i am feeling his embrace, dark is light, depths are heights, far is near. he is near. simple beads lead me here to hear him and be loved by him. i am a vessel...a empty chalice to be filled and poured out in the hands of my master. today his banner over me is love.

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