Friday, October 14, 2005

Thoughts for today

I wrote the last post as my prayer letter and then still had so much time that new things to share cropped up so i decided to post this one on my blog and use the new heart revelation for my prayer letter. things have been going pretty well over all.

kristin and i have been doing this intense work out for two days and then we were both super sore yesterday so we had a rest day...not as sore as if i ran a marathon but sore in more is the work out if you want to try it...

One set:
100 juming jacks
100 jumps
Three sets:
15 push ups
45 seconds wall sit
20 chair lifts for the tricep
One set:
100 juming jacks
100 jumps
Three sets:
20 crunches
20 butterfly sit up left
20 butterfly sit up right
20 toe touch crunches
20 plank leg drops
One set:
100 juming jacks
100 jumps

if you do it let me know what you think...maybe i will take pics next time so you can see how we do it...that would be funny.

I am mostly recovered from jet lag but today for some reason i feel weary and nearly weepy...reading my emails today made me feel very loved and maybe reminded me of what i am missing just a little in choosing to come here.


Daphne said...

awesome! good job girl. i am gonig to try this workout just to 'be in solidarity with you' hehe. seriously i want to try this, but i'm afraid i won't be able to walk the next day.

Sarah said...

dude--i did it again today and i can barely walk...yesterday we took it easy and did tae bo.