Saturday, October 29, 2005

A good story from the other night...

Below is an excerp from Kristin's blog...sometimes there are people looking out for you here. We are super thankful that everything turned out alright...

I was actually stolen from on my way home from the metro last night. i had my bag full o groceries (well...i admit...groceries and 5 diet cokes!!) so my back pack was really heavy. this young guy was walking really close to me and two times stepped on my heels. honestly i though he was just aperver who want to stare at an american woman (this happens regularly). he stepped on my heels twice and i just glared at him from the corner of my eye and though that i will let it happen one more time and then say something to him. well i got home and went to get my keys and found my phone and my wallet gone. I was soooo pissed. it just made me so angry.

the next thing i know the landlord's daughter, moitri, runs up stairs to my house and says she is on the phone with the men who caught the guy who stole from me.

we went down to this small cigarette/ pan store and they told me the owner would come in 15 minutes with my phone.,...and he did.

the men had been watching us walking on the other side of the street and had seen the man take my wallet and phone. they proceeded to catch him and then beat him!!!!!
this indian man told me that he has seen me on sudder st. and knew that i did charity work. everyone knew we spoke bengali and where we lived.

they even knew to call Moitri (how...i don't know). and the most ironice thing is that there was only about 110 ruppees in my bag....that is the equivalent of about $2.00!!!!
it was one of the only times i praised Jesus for being a white girl in India. i actually felt really humbleded afterwards and felt bad for getting so angry.

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